Beeswax and Bullocks

The Arts and Crafts movement, spanning from 1880 to 1920, saw many women broaden their creative repertoire from traditional home and sewing-based crafts to woodcarving, ceramics, and painting. As women became more visible, country shows offered a way to exhibit, be noted and awarded for their work. One unusual craft done by women, seemingly only […]

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Cradling the Clamp

It’s hard to imagine that we once relied on horses and bullocks to take bulky produce to market, move heavy loads, and travel long distances. Back then, saddlers were essential because they made and repaired harnesses and leatherwork. In the 1870s, John Priest (born c. 1851) was one of the first saddlers to open in […]

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Made in the Bush

Detail shot of a leather whip

One day while Bert Jorgenson was in the bush near Berry, he found a strong-looking sapling branch, perfect for the purpose he had in mind. He needed a whip to use on his bullock teams that hauled the massive trees felled from the local forests. Rather than buy one readymade, Bert found what he needed […]

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Bullocks Resting

Splotches of rich auburn resting on red earth, smears wandering in small patches of shade, and above all, heat. The only thing missing is the drone of flies above the steer’s head. Bullocks Resting by John Salvana (1873-1956) captures a pastoral image that has long captivated settlers in Australia. Pastoralist art presents country life, particularly […]

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