Clay and Commerce

One lucky customer who shopped at Western Stores, Bathurst was the recipient of this teapot and these jugs, probably given to them by the manager as a show of goodwill for the customer’s support. These may not have been the prettiest pieces of earthenware displayed on that customer’s kitchen dresser, but they were a reminder […]

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Fanning the Retail Flames

hand fan with twelve circular, black and white portraits of babies surrouded by floral designs, it has text which reads 'BROKEN HILL'S BONNIE BABIES'

The retailers of Broken Hill embraced advertising fans whole-heartedly during the 1920-30s. It was before the invention of air conditioning and the economies of scale associated with the mass production of printed goods meant that advertising fans were a cheap, cheerful and functional way for retailers to make their businesses known. The rigid screen fans […]

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