Borders Redrawn

Prior to Federation, the six colonies were truly separate entities, each with borders maintained by their own small militia. But small permanent forces supported by volunteers and British naval patrols were not going to cut it long-term. The fallibility of these forces was broadly understood and so the formation of the Commonwealth of Australia in […]

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Going, Going, Gone!

Proposed as affordable estates, Closer Settlement Farms were a way for the government to increase the profitability of the ‘new’ nation by promoting rural settlement and agricultural expansion. Immediately following Federation, the passing of the Closer Settlement Act in 1904 set in motion the re-acquisition of ‘Crown Land’ for subdivision and sale. This 1911 Tibereenah […]

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Orange’s Bold Bid

blue booklet bounded with a single string, it has gold lettering and leaf design which reads 'CANOBOLAS / THE IDEAL SITE FOR THE FEDERAL CAPITAL'

This 1902 booklet shows that the Central West town of Orange was once in contention to become the site of the nation’s capital. This honour eventually went to Canberra. The cover proclaims ‘Canobolas’ as the ‘Ideal Site for the Federal Capital’. An English / Anglicised version of a Wiradjuri word Gnoo Blas and meaning ‘two […]

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