
A Stamp of Approval

By the 1890s, Iluka had already earned a strong reputation for its oysters, fished from the Clarence River and shipped to Sydney. Soon, prawns and fish like flathead, snapper, and bream followed, expanding Iluka’s fishing industry, and drawing in more fishermen to the region. As Iluka grew, so did the challenge of keeping catches fresh […]

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Fatty Finn Goes Fishing

Sydney Wentworth (Syd) Nicholls (1896-1977) was the creator of one of Australia’s favourite comic strips, Fatty Finn (1924-1977). It followed the weekly high jinks of a rambunctious schoolboy and was drawn in a 1920s style which kept the series frozen in time. Though Nicholls predominantly lived in Sydney throughout his life, the success of his […]

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