wooden door from first lockup in Bathurst […]
Material: Non-precious Metal
dowel plane
wooden tool with metal plate used for crafting dowels […]
tri-fold magnifier
steel tri-fold hinged device with round glass magnifying lens on one frame, millimetre rulers around the opposite frame […]
kerosene lantern
brass framed lantern (restored) with acrylic windows (originally etched glass); long hanging hook at top, internal oil reservoir and two candle-like burners. […]
Holden VK Commodore
Vehicle, 1984 Holden Commodore VK. Holden Dealer Team 05 Commodore. Red and White body with decal ‘HDT, TAA 3XY, MARLBORO.’ General Motors V8 engine. […]
greenhide rope
braided greenhide rope with metal ring on one end and knot on the other end […]
model locomotive and tender
Model steam engine painted rust red, deep green, brass yellow with white trim. The number ‘1’ is written on the funnel and there is a manufacturing plate on the side of the cabin. There is a model driver and fireman standing on the platform behind the engine. The tender is painted in the same colours […]
metal chess pieces
Seven metal chess pieces including three pawns, two (possibly three) bishops and one knight. […]
fuel iron and trivet
cast iron gas iron with boat shaped base with vent holes on either side; fuel reservoir and pump at rear, wooden handle, with matching cast iron trivet; all painted with blacking […]
Do Not Lean sign
white paint with red lettering on metal […]