oval shaped silver-plated teapot trophy with a decorative handle and spout on opposite sides, engraved lettering […]
Material: Non-precious Metal
dairy bottle sealer
Steel framed machine with moveable handle connected to a spring which closes; two adjacent triangular pieces and two rollers […]
Budel Smelter plaque
engraved metal plaque on wood and textile base […]
Watson’s military uniforms
Arthur Donald Watson uniform – khaki woollen fabric tunic with metal Australian Military Forces buttons; metal ‘Australia’ shoulder titles; metal stars on epaulets denoting Lieutenant rank; colour patches on upper sleeve of 2nd Division Artillery; 1914-15 Star and British War Medal; Metal wound stripe on lower left sleeve. Patricia Watson uniform – khaki colour wool […]
writing slate
dark grey writing slate with incised horizontal lines; dark brown timber frame held together by ferrous metal wire; brown twine attached through a hole at the top […]
Mellshimer’s glass butter churn
clear glass square jar with straight sides and a screw top tin plate lid, painted black; lid supports a cross-wheeled gear system with handle, with a rod and paddle inside the jar […]
hand-held, portable methanometer with brown leather case & instructions; ‘No. 15’ blue plastic label attached to upper front surface […]
metal device in a black leather case with attached red rube connected to a rubber bulb with metal nozzle […]
yellow electronic device with orange, blue, and black face plate; numbered dial on face; silver disc terminals on sides; twine handle attached to D-rings at base […]
portable railway tail lamp holder
metal frame with oblong housing and circular cage attachment; painted yellow; hook for attaching to rail wagon […]