bedpan and wash basin

Paramount stainless steel bedpan and wash basin used at Narrabri District Hospital.  Bedpan: 11 (h) x 29.5 (w) x 35.5 (l) / Wash basin: 11.5 (h) x 36 (w) […]

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Two-row hexagonal concertina with dark brown wooden ends with fretwork, leather hand straps, ivory buttons with felt bushing, cardboard and leather bellows. […]

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ceramic rosary beads

Handmade beads formed from kaolinitic clay by Lightning Ridge potter, Graeme Anderson. Owned by Madeline Lenz who took them to Rome and had them blessed by the Pope […]

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music box

Music box, inlaid wood with diamond pattern on top, tambourine front and inlaid border. Removable lid, glass lid to workings, leather tongue to pull out glass. Inside painted black with brass roller and bells and other workings. […]

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