Handmade miner’s cart with wooden body, metal axle and four wooden wheels. […]
Material: Non-precious Metal
Gillies & Co. branding iron
Cast iron brand with reversed uppercase letters reading GILLIES & Co. on a thin metal bar on one end, and handle with small loop on the other end. Letters are painted white. […]
Elsa Lowry’s fishing flies
Collection of handmade fishing flies made of hooks with brightly coloured feathers or fur. Originally used to lure fish, particularly trout, they are attached with fishing line in various displays with the corresponding name noted. […]
Emerald Hill blacksmith workshop
relocated farm building containing a reconstructed blacksmiths workshop, complete with forge, bellows, benches, machinery and tools dating from the 1880s. […]
Mary White’s woodworking tools
Rectangular pine box with hinged lid and lock. Rose pattern transfer on lid and sides ready for chipwork. Contains woodworking tools: five wooden handled tools with wooden ends, one horn handled retractable blade, a handle black and bone, a sacking needle with cork over point. […]
potato shovel
A shovel with a wooden shaft and metal sifting blade designed to harvest potatoes and allow soil to fall through. The blade is broken and two middle tines are missing. The front cutting edge is snapped on the right side. Blade: 40cm (L) x40cm(H) Shaft: 120cm (L) x 10cm(circ) […]
cork press
cast iron cork press with three feet on base plate and hinged upper plate with handle that closes to compress corks […]
Japanese officer’s sword and dagger
Steel sword with silk-wrapped (ito) handle, brass and inlaid timber scabbard; steel dagger with decorative handle bearing a cherry blossom design; linen tags with Japanese characters in black ink, attached to both weapons […]
wool basket
Four-sided basket made from spaced wooden slats. Open top which is wider than the bottom. One missing slat on bottom. […]
green bone cutter
Cast iron cutting head from a Mann’s Green Bone Cutter […]