two-wheeled hand-drawn cart, welded steel construction with cast iron wheels. forty-four-gallon drum in cart, cut in half with air holes and opening cut into front. […]
Material: Non-precious Metal
brass school bell
large brass bell used for student activities […]
infant respirator
A metal cabinet/chest that is narrower at the top than it is at the bottom. It has a round opening on one side for the child’s head to emerge. The cabinet is painted a soft yellow/cream colour. The control switches and dials are on the front of the cabinet with the lid to put in/take […]
hollow chop pliers
Snub nosed pliers with bowed/curved handles. The top half of the plier is curved hollow and the bottom half of the plier is round to fit. […]
zinc-lined trunk
zinc-lined wooden travelling trunk […]
medical training mannequin
Anatomical model of a male head and torso. The body can be disassembled at varying degrees to illustrate the construction of the human body, and the shape and relative position of organs. […]
Glen Innes Examiner printing blocks
Printing blocks which advertise Mackenzies stores, provided to the Glen Innes Examiner. […]
Rockley Mill engine and flywheel
Horizontal piston 12 horsepower engine and four metre flywheel. […]
Rockley Post Office sign
Cream painted metal sign setting out the hours of operation of the Rockley Post Office, the Commonwealth Savings Bank agency, and the hours in which telephone calls could be made or received. […]
Gunter’s chain
chain measures 66ft long and consists of 100 links, each 7.92 inches in length […]