gong and mallet made from brass, leather, and felt […]
Material: Non-precious Metal
bow tie press
device used to flatten and crease bow ties, it uses two rollers pressed together with a singke level to rotate each. […]
Irish Mail cart
A cart with four metal wheels, rubber tyres, gears, a flat wooden seat, with a post and handle at the front that was moved forwards and backwards to propel the cart […]
Bull’s head tin opener
Cast iron tin opener in the shape of a bull’s head. The handle is shaped like a bull’s tail. The steel blade is held in place by a metal pin. […]
dental syringe kit
Metal syringe in an oval metal tin. The tin is not hinged. […]
tooth shade sampler
small metal rack of twenty-five samples of acrylic resin teeth in varying shades, numbered from 26-60; the teeth flip on metal keys, which move independently […]
Hush a Bye doll
Hush-a-Bye Australia Composition doll, No. 7, with sleep eyes and original dress. Painted face and limbs with open mouth. […]
toy ostrich
tin toy depicting a child wearing blue sitting in a red cart with yellow thread reins attached to an ostrich […]
‘Reggie’s Racing Rocker’ ride-on toy bicycle
red ‘rocker’ style bike [no pedals] with four small wheels; metal bow shape frame with a wooden saddle; handle and foot bars are an adjustable cross-bar affixed to the front of the rocker with open bar ends; toy wheels are ‘white wall’ rubber tyres with plastic spoke interiors […]
saddler’s clamp
wooden saddler’s clamp that looks like a large wooden needle with a long thin handle and ‘eye’ or hole at one end […]