The Height of Fashion

Beau Brummell and the Bow Tie

While today it’s considered a staple of men’s formal attire, the bow tie has more humble origins. Inspired by the scarves which Croatian mercenaries tied around their necks during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), the style was soon adopted in French fashion as the ‘cravat.’

In the 18th Century, a man named Beau Brummell – a dandy and socialite known as the most fashionable man in England – took to wearing a ridiculously complex cravat, which took hours to tie. Brummel prioritised fashion above all else – he claimed that he took five hours to dress each day, and recommended that boots be polished with champagne froth. He caused a fashion sensation, particularly after King George IV began emulating his style. From then on, the bow tie was the thing to wear.

Beau Brummel had such an impact on the fashion world that the bow tie soon spread to Australia. First becoming popular in cities, and then reaching towns and communities across the nation, bow ties became an essential accessory for stylish men.

Comprising heated plates and precision controls, a tie press like this one facilitate the application of heat and pressure to silk in order to impart a crisp and polished finish to the bow shape. This process not only eradicates wrinkles and creases but also sets the tie’s distinctive shape, ensuring the wearer embodies the height of fashion.