Stories for Rocks, Gems, Minerals and Fossil Collections (Chris Bowman Collection)
Rocks, Gems, Minerals and Fossil Collections (Chris Bowman Collection)
The Rocks, Gems and Minerals Collection (Chris Bowman Collection) is on permanent display at Tamworth Regional Astronomy and Science Centre, Victoria Park, on Kamilaroi/Gomeroi Country, in the New England region of New South Wales.
Recovered mostly by Chris Bowman, a Tamworth local with a passion for geology and natural history, the collection contains a large range of Australian fossils and minerals from the New England and North West NSW area. Among its unique Australian fossils is a Zygomaturus Trilobus skull, one of the very few complete versions known of this Australian Miocene/Pleistocene-era marsupial and an intact jawbone of an Australian Diprotodon optatum from the Pleistocene era. The mineral collection includes exceptional New England district specimens, many of great historical importance, collected in the late 1800s to early 1900s.
Tamworth Regional Astronomy and Science Centre
Victoria Park, Tamworth NSW 2340