An Unusual Token of Esteem

As a retirement gift this silver ink stand made by Barker Brothers of England is perfect. But it is much more than a retirement gift, it is a symbol of the high regard in which the recipient was held and the exercise of commonsense in uncertain and difficult times. The ink stand was presented to […]

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More Than a Facemask

It might look like a corporate branded face mask but it is actually homemade. Fashioned from an Albury City Council work shirt the mask pictured here was sewn by local resident Catherine Phelan. Domestic arts and craft, such as this mask, is often dismissed as ‘women’s work’. The use of craft as a tool to […]

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Mask Up

Remember the first time you wore a face mask in public? Did it take you some time for the self-conscious awkwardness to disappear? Over a hundred years ago when Australia faced the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, mask wearing and vaccinations were seen as the pathway out. Intense interstate rivalries over case numbers and widespread complaints about […]

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Fickle Fame

Walsh Bay, on Gadigal land, is today a bustling, vibrant arts precinct. But on 26 June 1917, as the ship carrying the body of ‘The Maitland Wonder’, Les Darcy, docked in Sydney Harbour, the silence was loud enough to rival the busy wharves that groaned under the weight of wool for export. Several days later, […]

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The Uiver Incident

sepia photograph of figures gathered outside a propeller plane labelled ROYAL DUTCH AIR LINES

To begin the London to Melbourne Centenary Air Race, on 20 October 1934, twenty aircraft took-off from England.  An epic 19,800 kilometre flight around the globe, the race was held as part of Melbourne’s Centenary Celebrations. Royal Dutch Airlines entered a Douglas DC-2 airliner, named Uiver, in the race. On the last leg – from […]

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Writing Home

handwritten letter

Many of Frank Brown’s friends enlisted in WWI, but Frank was deemed medically unfit to serve and remained at home in Albury throughout the war. His best mate Arthur Hewish, known as Les, enlisted as a Lieutenant and was later promoted to Captain in the 3rd Battalion. Les fought at Gallipoli and on the Western […]

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