Wheels Keep Turning

How did motoring racing drivers Dick Johnston and John French feel that day in early October 1981 when they stood on the podium and accepted this ‘perpetual’ trophy, shiny and new? On top of the world! They had won the annual ‘James Hardie 1000’ touring car championship at Mount Panorama, Bathurst. But on lap 122, […]

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Loo With a View

Picture this 1980s Aussie campground scene – snags sizzling on smoking barbeques, tents pitched shoulder to shoulder, blokes wearing stubby shorts guzzling beer from tinnies, larrikinism a-plenty, and hour after hour of roaring V8 engines on the nearby racetrack. This picture had become a common sight since motor races began happening on the Mt Panorama […]

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Movement on the Mountain

aged souvenir programme with illustrative cover of two motorcyclists named 'THE AUSTRALIAN 150TH CELEBRATIONS T T AT MT. PANORAMA BATHRUST NSW ON EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 16TH 1938'

On Easter Saturday in 1938 the Mount Panorama Circuit at Bathurst, in the Central West of NSW, was first used for motor racing. The inaugural event was part of the district’s 150 years of European settlement celebrations. The inaugural race was an Australian TT motorcycle race, two days later the Australian Grand Prix cars competed. […]

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