It was likely one evening in the 1890s that William Pymont Brook (1865-1938), a Cobb & Co clerk, first sat down with this two-row hexagonal concertina on his lap. With his fingers resting gently on its buttons, William pulled apart its bellows, then squeezed them together, and the instrument threw out some forceful notes. It […]
Keyword: musical instruments
Keeping a Steady Rhythm
On the 21st of September 1869, eight members of the Ulladulla Volunteer Corps came together for one of their earliest performances as the town band at the Milton School of Arts Bazaar. One attendee gleefully relayed the day’s proceedings to The Kiama Independent, but they soon became lost for words when describing how well the […]
Playing for Laughs
A multi-instrumentalist, clown and busker, Rodney Walker is a retired Australian country music artist. His home-made eccentric musical contraptions combine as many as thirteen instruments, secured together with steel brackets. Carried on his head and shoulders, his instrument ensemble allowed Rodney to play guitar, sing, and use his feet to sound the percussion, all at […]