The Rise of Broken Hill’s Italian Bakeries

wooden trunk with metal hinges and locks, it has some black lettering which reads Mr. Forner Filomena Griffitt J.N.W. Australia'

In post-WWII Broken Hill much of the town’s daily bread supply was baked and delivered by three brothers born to Italian migrant parents – the industrious trio proudly named their enterprise Forner Brothers. Immediately after the war they bought their first bakery and convinced their elderly father Carlo to quit his job on the mines […]

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An ‘Afghan’ Cameleer’s Life and Times

detail of gold detailing on collar

Shamroze Khan was born in 1877 in the Punjabi town of Peshawar, in what was then British-ruled India. In 1905 he moved to Broken Hill where he first worked as a cameleer carting freight to stations in the West Darling area with Zaidullah Fazullah, a fellow Punjabi from Ghorghushti. His new life in Australia presented […]

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