Wetting the Baby’s Head

Christenings are an important life occasion. Surrounded by family and friends, parents lovingly hold their infant over the church font while a priest or pastor blesses the infant with consecrated water.  A new infant is introduced to its community and the child’s name is formally announced. Historically, pregnancy and birth were very private affairs, and […]

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Moulder’s Mason Apron

simple waist apron that looks like a drawing of an envelope with circular twine attachments

This decorated apron is typical of the regalia worn world-wide by the Freemasons, and from the early eighteenth century. This era saw Freemasonry evolve from a craft-based fraternity exclusive to freemasons, to a moral-based organisation exclusive to men. Freemasonry, resembling this historic change, was transported to Australia by British-origin migrants in the late-eighteenth century. Throughout […]

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