Between Land and Sea

It was a proud and decisive moment, probably in the early 1850s, when the young William Cochrane grasped this fancy hand painted tin canister, slid open its hinged lid and carefully inserted his folded university documents inside its compartment. That day, William’s whole life was ahead of him – he had two degrees and further […]

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Wired for Power

Discarded by a tradesman, this small cardboard electrical installation tag lay silent and forgotten for decades in the darkness of the roof of the Chifley family house in Bathurst. In the rooms below, the residents lived out their lives as the Great Depression and World War II unfolded. In 1914, Bathurst-born Ben Chifley (1885-1951) and […]

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A Trunk Full of Memories

Fashionable in its day, this travelling trunk certainly saw a lot of the world during its lifetime. Its journey began when it was purchased in Bombay, India, by Beatrix ‘Trixie’ Straw (1906-1985) and her husband, Arthur ‘Jack’ Straw (1893-1983), for their honeymoon in Paris and Venice. Trixie and Jack were married at the British Embassy […]

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Fancy Pants

When packing to travel to the other side of the world, what does an Edwardian woman put in her trunk? Knickers, of course. This machine-made pair, with their fancy cutwork embroidery and handmade torchon lace seem to have a very full front. Were they made to be worn by a pregnant woman? Was that why […]

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