When packing to travel to the other side of the world, what does an Edwardian woman put in her trunk? Knickers, of course. This machine-made pair, with their fancy cutwork embroidery and handmade torchon lace seem to have a very full front. Were they made to be worn by a pregnant woman? Was that why […]
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In 1818 William Stewart of Blair Atholl, Scotland picked up his pen, dipped it into an inkwell, and inscribed his name inside the lid of this case of drafting instruments. He was 18 years old. Was it a special gift for graduating or coming of age, or maybe issued to him as a student of […]
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Holding the arm of her new husband Ernest John Phillips, Scottish-born Jessie McGeachie (1883-1947), descended the stairs in the garden of her parent’s home Craig Royston in Toronto, with its terraced lawns leading down to the edge of Lake Macquarie. It was the morning of 9 June 1909 and they had been directed to take […]
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