Between the Lines

Founded in 1950 by Dulcie Beth Callinan (nee Koller, 1915-1991) OBE ‘to bring cheer and comfort to listeners,’ the Babaneek Ladies’ Choir regularly performed to audiences in the Hunter region of New South Wales for over 30 years. Reading their sheet music, you begin to get an understanding of the ladies who formed it – […]

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Wetting the Baby’s Head

Christenings are an important life occasion. Surrounded by family and friends, parents lovingly hold their infant over the church font while a priest or pastor blesses the infant with consecrated water.  A new infant is introduced to its community and the child’s name is formally announced. Historically, pregnancy and birth were very private affairs, and […]

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Through the Eye of Ella’s Needle

Around 120 years ago, this small handkerchief was hemmed and embroidered by a young girl from Ulladulla on the NSW south coast – Ella Mellshimer (1886-1979). Its decorative marks are simple and include the word ‘Jerusalem’, along with a single-humped camel. These symbols reflect that Ella was raised according to the Christian faith, which she […]

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Forged in Faith

This little green book of religious instruction has been cared for by generations of women. Wilson on the Lord’s Supper was first published in 1733 by a bishop from the Isle of Man. His words reached the small settlement of Morpeth in New South Wales, via the early St James’s Church of England parishioners. Among […]

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