The day Anna Maria opened this leather-bound bible at Duckenfield House in Morpeth, dipped her pen into her inkwell and inscribed her name inside the front cover, she may have been in a melancholy mood. It was 13 November 1874, and Anna Maria Van Eales (née Gain) (1843-1887), who was mother to five boys, had […]
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This humble table played a simple role in a not-so-simple house, for two not-so humble families. It was used for ironing at Duckenfield Park House, a grand colonial home in Morpeth. Built in 1853-4 by John Eales (1799-1871), said to be the wealthiest man in the colony, the 45 roomed mansion was later occupied from […]
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In the age of steam shipping, time was of the essence. Imagine then, the importance of this clock, to John Eales, Director, and his staff of the Hunter River Steam Navigation Company (HRSN Co.). They probably eagerly watched its dial on countless occasions, while awaiting the arrival of their steamships at the company’s wharf on […]
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