Like most pieces of iron machinery made in the nineteenth century, this ‘Ewbank Jewel’ laundry mangle was built to last. And last it did, now as solid and sturdy as the day it left the Entwhistle & Kenyon factory in Lancashire, England, sometime after 1875. Mangles were used to quickly flatten sheets, towels and tablecloths, […]
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When fisherman Richard Parker acquired a block of bushland near Lake Macquarie, about 1895, there were two tools in his kit that would be essential for clearing the land and building a simple house – his axe, and this pit saw. The house Parker built at 85 Docker Street (now known as Haddon Crescent), Marks […]
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In the age of steam shipping, time was of the essence. Imagine then, the importance of this clock, to John Eales, Director, and his staff of the Hunter River Steam Navigation Company (HRSN Co.). They probably eagerly watched its dial on countless occasions, while awaiting the arrival of their steamships at the company’s wharf on […]
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